Workout Union

Feel new music by moving to it

Workout Union


On the occasion of the opening of the new concert hall and cultural encounter centre Amare in The Hague, Kluster5 was invited to contribute by developing a project that would connect city districts and residents to Amare. This resulted in Workout Union: a workout set to live music, in which you feel the music by following your intuition and moving to it.

Do you like both music and movement? Kluster5 performs the rousing and physically exhausting Workers Union by great Dutch composer Louis Andriessen. Young composers Amarante Nat and Maarten Bauer wrote warm-up and cool-down music especially for this workout.

Will you join us? The workout is for young and old; for anyone who is not afraid of a little sweat!


Amarante Nat – House Warming (2021)
Louis Andriessen – Workers Union (1975)
Maarten Bauer – Stretching (2021)


Amarante Nat

In her work Amarante Nat (NL, 1995) feels attracted to traditional western musical forms such as opera, ballet, chamber music and symphonic works. At the same time she is motivated to research new forms and musical ideas such as installations and music theatre. Looking for new working processes and exploring how different art forms can merge and interact through interdisciplinary collaborations are therefore a crucial focus in her work.

Louis Andriessen

Louis Andriessen (NL, 1939–2021) opposed conservatism in the music world. In the 1970s, he wrote music with political overtones, such as Volkslied and Workers Union. From the second half of the 1980s, Andriessen increasingly focused on stage music, film music and music theatre.

Kluster5 worked with him at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague during the rehearsals of the dance performance Workers Union, which was performed in collaboration with choreographer Regina van Berkel during the NJO Muziekzomer in 2015.

The oeuvre of Maarten Bauer (NL, 2000) is strongly influenced by non-western music and art, in particular Southeast Asian music. Furthermore, many of his works are connected to poetry, literature and philosophy. He takes inspiration from composers such as Debussy, Boulanger, Stravinsky, Kurtág, Vivier, Andriessen, Rihm, Xenakis, Padding, Pesson, Ustvolskaya, Dutilleux, Schnittke and Messiaen.


Amare Journaal over Workout Union
