Dive into five!
We make ourselves part of the music creation process, and develop the ways in which we present it. We love to share our ideas and expertise, and co-create with young and upcoming composers, choreographers, filmmakers.
We perform the soundtrack to everyday topics, from big to small, from lighthearted to complex. Childhood memories, social media pressure, a healthy workout are just some of the themes we all share.
A performance is the moment where our collective energy is transformed into many elements: sound, light, heat, colour, motion.
You are invited to follow your instincts and enjoy a positive, fascinating experience.
We continuously develop our craftsmanship, by staying curious and letting ourselves be surprised by new flavours. Kluster5 can’t be described by a single label or musical style – we just love too many of them. Let’s keep exploring!
Bird’s eye view
Straight out of the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague in 2015, Kluster5 collaborated with the illustrious composer Louis Andriessen on the dance performance Workers Union, featuring a cross section of his life’s work. Two years later, the Dutch festival Gaudeamus, ‘presenting young music pioneers’, invited them to be Ensemble-in-Residence.
Kluster5 was spotlighted in public broadcasting by VPRO from 2016 to 2018. When Aart Strootman wrote Shambling Emerge for them, it earned the composer the prestigious Matthijs Vermeulen Prize 2019. That same year, Kluster5 presented music by Celia Swart at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival in the UK.
Invited to contribute to the 2021 opening of the new concert hall and cultural encounter centre Amare in The Hague, Kluster5 surprised all with an outdoor physical workout. Freshly composed music energized the local community in spontaneous interaction.
For the ambitions of his 2022 album re;make, composer Remy Alexander considered the wide array of sonic possibilities of Kluster5 as essential. In the same year, Kluster5 launched their own visual album Perceived Reality: music accompanied by a full-length film. As initiators, writers, musicians and actors, they teamed up with director Gijs Besseling and 7 Mountain Records. Alexandre Kordzaia’s 1999 (Don’t you wanna go?) from this album is also performed in a staged version, enjoyed by thousands in the composer’s homeland of Georgia.
Say cheese
Kluster5 are
Isa Goldschmedingviolin
Daan van Koppensaxophone
Martin van Heesguitar
Tim Sabelpiano